Dental Works

Things You Should Know About Veneers

Jul 12, 2022 @ 04:33 PM — by
Tagged with: Dental Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry Porcelain Vs Composite Scottsdale Dentist

Cosmetic dentistry is a fast-growing part of dentistry. Now more than ever, people are wanting to improve their smiles to be more aesthetically pleasing. One of the top cosmetic dental procedures is dental veneers. There is a reason why they are so popular, so read on to find out more about them and if they are right for you. 

What Are Dental Veneers?

A dental veneer is a very thin tooth-colored shell that is cemented onto the front surface of teeth to cosmetically improve their appearance. They can be customized by shape, color, and translucency to look similar to the rest of your smile. Veneers can help anyone self-conscious about certain dental imperfections such as stains and discoloration, cracks, chips, or even misalignment. They can be used for just one tooth or multiple teeth depending on your smile goals.

Why Are Veneers So Popular?

There is no question that dental veneers have been one of the top cosmetic procedures of choice for years. According to a recent study, the market for dental veneers is "expected to grow from $1,559.28 million in 2021 to $2,302.60 million by 2028." The main reason for this is that there has been a growing consumer awareness of the importance of dental care as well as having aesthetically pleasing teeth. 

Another reason why veneers are so popular is that the procedure is very quick and painless. At Dental Works, we can design and place your veneers in just 2 appointments! 

While certain dental procedures require some special maintenance, veneers require no special maintenance other than consistent brushing and flossing and regular visits to the dentist. 


What's the Difference Between Porcelain and Composite Veneers?

At Dental Works, we provide 2 different types of dental veneers- porcelain and composite resin veneers. While they may produce the same results appearance-wise, there are many differences between them. 


Porcelain veneers are known for their durability and last longer than composite resin veneers. When taken care of properly, porcelain veneers can last up to 10 years and in some cases 20 years. Composite veneers usually last around 5-7 years and can require more upkeep. For both porcelain and composite, it is important to take certain precautions to ensure their longevity.


While porcelain and composite veneers may produce the same result to the untrained eye, porcelain veneers produce the most natural appearance because of their translucent quality and the way they reflect light.  Porcelain veneers are also more resistant to staining compared to composite veneers. 

What's Involved?

At Dental Works, the porcelain veneers are produced in a lab and take usually 2 appointments to complete. Composite veneers are made chairside in the office and can be placed in one appointment. If your main concern is getting a quicker fix, composite veneers may be the option for you. 

For anyone considering veneers, it's important to know that a small layer of enamel is removed to fit the veneer to the front surface of the tooth. 


The cost of veneers depends on the number of veneers you are getting, the material it is made of, and if you need any additional treatments to get your oral health in check before the treatment. Dental veneers are considered a cosmetic dental procedure so they are typically not covered by insurance, but Dental Works provides options to make the treatment more affordable with financing and payment plans through Care Credit. 

Composite resin veneers are more affordable because they aren't quite as natural looking and are not as durable as porcelain veneers. Because of the durability and ability to mimic the qualities of natural teeth, porcelain is the more expensive option. 

Veneers are most suitable for patients that have good oral health. If you have any oral issues such as tooth decay or gum disease, we will always recommend that we take care of those oral issues first so your oral health is in the best condition to ensure the longevity of your veneers. These additional treatments like periodontics and root canals would add to your total cost but would benefit your overall oral health and will prevent you from having to replace the veneers early on. 


Dr's Terry and Mary Ann Work of Dental Works have been providing dental veneers in Scottsdale for over 25 years. If you'd like to see some of the veneer treatments they have completed, check out our before and after photo gallery. If you've been considering dental veneers but are not sure which option is right for you, give Dental Works a call today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Work. We will address all your questions, concerns, and smile goals!